Basque Restaurants
Basque Groups
Our History
Gauden Bat Sponsored Web Sites
Here are some pictures from our past performances and trips, and a look back into some history of the Gauden Bat dance group. A special thanks goes out to Marianna Echeverria for supplying the pictures in our history section of this page.
If your Basque club, klika, dance group or yourself would like to have some pictures here, E-mail us at [email protected]. We would like to promote all Basque organizations everywhere, so please send us your pictures. Thank you.
We have gathered so many pictures lately that we have made a page for each category, please use these links below to view the pictures from each category.
Pictures from gauden Bat’s past
Buffalo, WY
1997 NABO Convention (Chino, CA)
Fresno, CA
New York, NY
San Francisco, CA
Vancouver, Canada
Garamendi Ranch
Gauden Bat and Southern California Klika History
1998 $5,000 Reverse Drawing
Pictures that visitors to this site have sents in
(These are pictures sent in by gauden bat memebrs and non-gauden bat memebers
if you would like to have your pictures added on this page e-mail [email protected])